How can I develop my career after 12th ?
Career DevelopmentCareer development is a lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure, and transitions in order to move toward a personally determined and evolving preferred future.
In educational , career development provides a person, often a student, focus for selecting a career or subjects to undertake in the future. Globalized Edu career counsellors provide exclusive assistance students with their educational development.
Our Career Development research team focuses on :
> how individuals manage their careers within and between organizations
> how organizations structure the career progress of their members, it can also be tied into succession planning within most of the organizations
In today’s world, more employers are looking for ways to facilitate career development and encourage their employees to drive their own careers. This study has helped us to equip the students well in advance and guide them essentially in terms of future growth and planning.
The evolution or development of a career is informed by :
> Experience within a specific field of interest (with career, job, or task specific skills as by-product)
> Success at each stage of development
> Educational attainment commensurate with each incremental stage
> Communications – the capacity to analytically reflect your suitability for a given job via cover letter, resume and the interview process.
> Understanding of career development as a navigable process.
Our counsellors are more than proficient in walking you through to perfection at each stage.